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LSG Bodyshaper P20 Vibration Machine Review – The Minimalist with Good Efficiency

Looking at the market for vibration machines, I can understand why some folks are having a difficult time choosing. Almost every other piece of vibration exercise machine has the same features. They only differ in colour and design plus a few other qualities.

Well, that’s why I’ve set up this site to help undecided folks make a more intelligent buying decision. One of the gadgets that I’m thankful enough for having been given the chance to try is the LSG Bodyshaper P20. This is a machine that is not as visually-appealing as the others in the market. But if you want something decent without causing a huge debit on your bank account, then you’d consider this machine, too.

Overview of the LSG Bodyshaper P20 Vibration Machine

The Bodyshaper P20 doesn’t boast of anything that can make it stand out from the crowd. However, it is this simple approach to design aesthetics that beckons you to look closer and give the gadget a try.

The LSG Bodyshaper features a modestly-powered 200-watt motor. On paper, it looks underpowered when compared to other devices that have motors ranging from 350 to 1000 watts. Yet LSG believes that the performance of the vibration machine is not dependent only on motor wattage.

It is surprising to note that the vibrations that the P20 delivers are more perceptible than those devices with higher wattage. It’s proof of the brand’s penchant for making efficient technologies that do not depend on high power input.

The P20 possesses a maximum effective amplitude rating of 10 millimetres. It pales in comparison to others on the market. However, this doesn’t reflect the P20’s real-world performance. As mentioned, the vibration plate works a lot better than other systems that also feature oscillating technology.

This vibration platform from LSG also comes with 99 speed level settings. There are machines, of course, that can top this. But given its price point, the Bodyshaper hits the right marks. There are gadgets that are pricier than the LSG, but with lower speed settings. At the very least, fine-tuning the intensity of vibrations is a lot easier with the Bodyshaper P20.

I’ve mentioned that this gadget has a very unpretentious design. It’s not for those who are looking for something more futuristic, stylish, or sophisticated. It’s for those who want a simple design with a minimalist styling. It may be too dull or boring for some, but it can provide you with a decent platform to lose weight or tone your muscles. Its unobtrusive design makes the P20 a great gadget to place in office settings.

Does not require high power input for its efficiency

There’s one major hiccup, though. The P20 doesn’t come with preset exercise programmes. This may come as a surprise for those who expect at least three pre-set programmes. What it does provide is a simple array of up and down buttons to set the speed and time. This is how you adjust the settings in the P20 to suit your exercise needs.

A dedicated power button plus two others for starting and stopping the machine are also present. There’s an infrared sensor on the platform which works well with the accompanying remote control. The design is not much, but it does the work that it’s designed to do.

A Closer Look at the Features of the Bodyshaper Body Vibration Machine

Advanced Oscillating Technology

The Bodyshaper P20 features the same technology that is typical of such portable exercise machines. The see-saw motion of the oscillating mechanism of this vibration platform is similar to many of the products I’ve already tried. This does not mean that the performance is the same, however.

Compared to other devices that utilise oscillating technologies, I feel more intense vibrations on the Bodyshaper. What is more surprising is that the maximum effective amplitude of this vibration plate is only 10 millimetres.

Other brands have higher amplitudes of 12 mm and upwards. However, when I stepped onto these plates, they didn’t generate the level of intensity that the Bodyshaper provides. Maybe it’s just bias, I don’t know.

But if I were to compare oscillators to triplanar systems, I have to confess that the latter system is way better. Imagine the vibration plate moving in three different planes for each cycle. It moves up and down, side to side, and front to back.

Don’t get me wrong; the Bodyshaper is a wonderful machine except that there are other technologies that are more advanced. The P20 is great for users who may want to stay fit while recuperating from an illness. It’s a low-impact, hassle-free system for triggering muscles in the body.

I’ve met an elderly man who said that he uses the Bodyshaper to stay fit since he now has arthritis. The P20’s 10-mm maximum amplitude can help in this instance. Since the height is not great compared to other oscillators, the amount of vibration forces transmitted through the joints will also be not that great.

This is where my dilemma is. I know that the P20 only has 10-mm maximum amplitude, yet it feels like it’s giving me 15 mm or more.

99 Speed Level Settings

Adding to the vibration performance of the Bodyshaper P20 is a 1-99 speed setting. For its price, I think this is a great feature. I’ve seen other products that come with the same speed settings, but with a heftier price tag. Of course, this is not the only factor that affects the price of the machine. But if everything else is equal, then this is a big deal.

Having 99 different levels of speed allows for more precise tuning of the intensity of the workout. You see, speed refers to the number of vibrations that the device performs in a given period of time. As such, the greater the speed and height of the vibrations, the more effective is its transmission to the rest of the body.

Unfortunately, this is where I am having problems reconciling some data on the P20. The unit I tried at home did not come with its manual. There was no way I could check the maximum operating frequency of the body vibration machine. Other products have this information on the bottom panel of their plates. I couldn’t find any on the Bodyshaper.

Regardless, the P20 is still a worthy machine to have.

Modest Electric Motor

Professional-grade vibration exercise machines have very powerful motors that provide 1.5 to 2.0 continuous horsepower. These gadgets often come with a wattage rating of 350 watts and up.

The Bodyshaper P20, on the other hand, only comes with a modest 200-watt motor. I find this intriguing because of the intensity of vibrations that it can produce. You’d think it has a more powerful motor.

There’s another puzzle that I cannot piece together. Given that the P20 only has 200-watts of power, it is surprising that it can handle a 150-kilogramme person on its vibration platform. I’ve seen some devices with more powerful motors yet their maximum weight capacity is well under 150 kilogrammes. Now, that’s something worth thinking about.

Sturdy, Simple, and Compact Design

Standing on the Bodyshaper is like standing on an oversized bathroom weighing scale. I say this because of the odd design of the P20. The typical bathroom weighing scale comes with a white body and a black or dark platform to stand on.

The P20 has the same styling, except that it is wider. For some, the simple design of the P20 is not a big deal. But for those who consider the appearance of whatever they put in their homes, then the P20 might not be a good option.

Still, the Bodyshaper P20 vibration plate machine boasts of heavy-duty construction. A 150-kilogramme person can stand on the platform with ease and confidence. It has a wide stance, too, at 68 centimetres.

This is great for performing different exercises where a wider stance is a fundamental requirement. It is also about 13 centimetres high and 37 centimetres deep, from front to back.

At 13 kilogrammes, it may be a bit heavier than other vibration machines. On the bright side, this means the Bodyshaper will stay in its place. This is made more secure by the addition of suction cups on its feet. It feels sturdy and stable regardless of how “active” I move on the vibration platform.

Pros and Cons

  • Efficient oscillating technology for improved fitness performance
  • Speed level settings of up to 99 for more precision tuning of vibration intensity
  • 10-mm maximum effective amplitude for better vibration generation
  • Friendlier price than other products with almost the same specs
  • 150-kg maximum weight capacity
  • Comes with resistance straps
  • Stable and sturdy construction with non-slip feet and transport rollers
  • Compact design for easy storage and transport
  • No pre-set exercise programmes
  • Warranty period for parts replacement is only 12 months; other brands have 3 years
  • 200-watt motor may be underpowered for some users

Should You Buy It?

Given its friendlier price tag than other similarly-spec’d vibration exercise machines, I’d say the LSG Bodyshaper P20 is a good buy. However, if you’re expecting it to be the perfect machine, you’d be disappointed.