The number of calories burned during an hour on an exercise bike can vary depending on several factors such as your weight, age, gender, and intensity of the workout. On average, a person can burn between 400-600 calories per hour on an exercise bike.

Note that this is just an estimate, and the actual number of calories burned may vary depending on individual factors. Also, remember that losing weight is not just about burning calories, but also about maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.

If you’re thinking about incorporating an exercise bike into your weight loss routine, here’s what you need to know:

How Many Calories Does a Stationary Bike Burn in 1 Hour?

Cycling, or riding a bike, burns over 50% more calories than walking when compared to the minute. A moderate 30-minute session can burn 202 calories for the average woman and around 225 calories for the average man. This means that a 1-hour riding session increases calorie burn to 404 for women and 450 for men.

For even more calorie burn, try a more vigorous workout. During a 30-minute session on an exercise bike, an average woman can burn 314 calories. Meanwhile, an average man can burn 358 calories.

That’s equivalent to 628 and 716 calories burned, respectively, during an hour of vigorous pedalling. Done regularly, cycling can be a highly efficient way to burn calories. This type of exercise works well to counter fat in the abdominal area. Regardless of whether you’re doing it on a stationary bike or not.

Benefit of Exercise Bike

Factors Affecting Calorie Burn on an Exercise Bike

Despite its many benefits, the number of calories burned on an exercise bike can depend on various factors. To get the most out of biking for calorie burn, it’s crucial to consider the following:

  • Speed and Resistance

When it comes to intensity, short and intense workouts tend to use anaerobic metabolism, while longer and less intense workouts rely on aerobic metabolism. The speed and resistance of the bike also play a role in calorie burn, with faster pedalling leading to more calories burned.

  • Weight

Weight is another important factor that affects the number of calories burned during the bike workout. A person’s weight determines the number of calories they burn while riding, with heavier individuals burning more calories. Note though that this is true for most sports as heavier people tend to lose more before hitting their plateau.

  • Duration

The length of time you spend exercising on an exercise bike plays a crucial role in the number of calories you burn. Essentially, the longer you engage in physical activity, the more energy your body consumes, hence the more calories you burn. During the initial stages of a workout, your body primarily draws on glycogen, which is stored carbohydrates, to fuel the exercise.

However, as you continue with the exercise, your body switches to using stored fat as its primary energy source, which leads to greater calorie burn. This is due to the fact that fat is an efficient energy source for prolonged workouts and as your body adapts to this process, you can expect a higher calorie burn.

  • Heart Rate

Your heart rate is an important indicator of how hard your body is working during exercise and can affect the number of calories you burn. When you exercise on an exercise bike, your heart rate increases as your body works harder to supply oxygen to your muscles. The higher your heart rate, the more calories you will burn because your body is using more energy to sustain the increased activity.

To optimise calorie burn during exercise, it’s important to find your target heart rate zone, which is the range of heart rates that will provide the greatest calorie burn for your body.

HIIT Cycling Workout

Tips for Maximising Calorie Burn on an Exercise Bike

1. Add Resistance

Maximise your calorie and fat-burning potential on a stationary bike by adding resistance and aiming for 70 to 80 revolutions per minute. Gradually increase the intensity by adding ankle weights and setting the resistance level appropriately. Maintaining a moderate pace is vital to avoid spinning your legs too fast or too slow for extended periods.

2. Vary Intensity

Varying your intensity with power spurts can help make your workout more interesting and less strenuous, but be sure to consult with your doctor and pace yourself to avoid exhaustion. Changing the intensity can also be a form of High-Intensity Interval Training or HIIT. HIIT is considered to be the most effective way to shed weight over a period of time.

3. Maintain Correct Posture

Proper form is crucial for engaging your leg muscles and maximising calorie burn. Sit with your back straight and lightly touch the handlebars instead of hunching over and clutching them. Improper form can cause you to feel pain days after the workout.

4. Entertain Yourself

To enhance your workout experience, listen to music or watch videos while riding. This can help you stick with your exercise routine for longer and make it feel less like a chore. Download a favourite movie or have a specific “power” playlist that energizes you. Or, check out the smart bikes from our list of exercise bike reviews for more engaging home workout equipment.

5. Seek Guidance

Always consult with a personal trainer or your doctor before starting any new workout program, particularly if it involves pushing your limits.

Safety Considerations When Using Exercise Bike

How long does it take to burn 500 calories on an exercise bike?

The number of calories burned during exercise on an exercise bike depends on several factors, such as your weight, age, gender, level of fitness, and intensity of the workout. To burn 500 calories on an exercise bike, it would typically take around 45-60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise for an average-sized adult.

Is 1 hour on a stationary bike enough?

If your goal is to improve cardiovascular health or maintain your current fitness level, then an hour on a stationary bike could be a great way to get the recommended amount of weekly aerobic exercise. However, if your goal is weight loss, you may need to increase your workout duration or intensity to see results.