Indoor cycling workouts are effective not only for weight loss but also for glute toning. With the correct biking form and settings, you can burn excess calories and shape your bum with every step on the pedal.

Here’s what you need to know about strengthening your butt muscles and its importance.

Plus, I’ve listed a few tips on maximising your exercise bike workouts, so you can “put your best rear forward”!

What is Glute Toning?

Glute toning is about changing the shape of your glutes or butt and making it look tighter or defined.

It’s different from building the gluteal muscles, where the result is a bulkier butt.

The key to glute toning is to perform exercises that target your bum to reduce the fat covering your glute muscles. Fat reduction, in turn, gives you a firm and less jiggly butt.

Glute Toning Benefits

What Are the Benefits of Glute Toning?

Probably, your top motivation for gaining a firmer butt is to look better in jeans or feel more confident in your bathing suit.

However, glute toning through indoor cycling weight loss workouts is more than aesthetics.

Here are its other advantages:

  • It reduces back and knee pain. A toned butt can distribute the load on your lower back and extremities, especially while standing. Strong glutes also improve the movement of your pelvis, hips, legs, and chest, relieving some of the strain from your lower back.
  • It prevents muscular overuse and injury. Weak glutes force the body to tap on other muscles so you can move your hips, pelvis, and legs. However, the muscles on your knees, lower back, hamstrings, and groin do not suit this function, resulting in pain and compression.
  • It improves your posture. The body tends to rely on your stronger muscles to make you stand or sit straight. Having underdeveloped glutes means your body will pull on your torso, shoulders, and pelvis for proper positioning. Over time, it will only lead to unnatural body alignment.
  • It enhances your exercise and athletic performance. Toned glutes give you explosive power to accelerate, jump, or lift heavy weights. These also give you the edge when doing high-performance or competitive sports (Plummer and Oliver 2014).

How Can You Optimise Glute Toning while Cycling?

Ready to start gaining a better-looking bum?

Before that, adjust your bike seat first to avoid pain or injury.

Remember to maintain the proper form while cycling. And don’t forget to warm up and cool down to prep all muscles involved in your session.

Here are some indoor cycling workout tips for the best weight loss and glute toning results.

High-Resistance Cycling for Toned Glutes

1. Crank up your cycling resistance.

Indoor cycling workouts at higher resistance levels make your muscles work harder, which is better for glute toning and weight loss.

Also, cycling with more resistance makes the workout more intense, resulting in higher caloric burn.

In short, boosting the resistance doubles your effort but, in return, gives you double benefits.

2. Go on uphill climb cycling mode.

Compared with flat-level biking, uphill climbing workouts activate your glute muscles more.

Doing this training should be easy for road cycling.

But if you are indoors, you can also use the incline function of your stationary bike.

Some models even come with workout videos to match your uphill climb workouts.

For best results, keep your cycling resistance level high.

Higher resistance will bring your cycling speed or cadence down, but it should also make your glutes work harder.

3. Cycle out of the saddle.

Standing climb is another name for this technique.

To do this, place your hands on the middle of the handle, then stand to lift your butt off the bike seat.

Set the tension level at about 60 to 80 rpm or as much resistance as possible, and start pedalling.

Keep your hips back and tighten or squeeze your glutes to activate the muscles more.

Cycling out of the saddle is a good alternative if your stationary bike does not have an incline feature.

Also, this indoor cycling workout is not only for glute toning. It also engages more upper-body muscles for optimum weight loss effect.

4. Alternately cycle on and off the saddle.

Varying your workout is a fun and challenging way to lose weight and tone your glutes.

You can do this during your indoor cycling session by alternately pedalling in seated and standing positions.

Aside from burning calories, varied workouts like this one make you instinctively squeeze your butt muscles each time you switch positions.

When you stand while pedalling, avoid leaning into the handlebars too much.

This form lessens the pressure on your butt and legs, minimising the toning impact.

Standing Climb on an Exercise Bike

Bottom Line About Toning Glutes

Aside from weight loss, the appropriate indoor cycling workout can also give you glute toning results. It strengthens the muscles, so you can exercise or move better and avoid muscular pain or injury.

So, if you think your bum needs some “uplifting” makeover, try the indoor cycling tips above!

Find the proper exercise bike with a comfy seat and a good range of resistance levels for your regular glute toning sessions. Better yet, get one with an incline mode and try cycling uphill indoors.

Questions About Indoor Cycling

1. How can I avoid getting a sore butt after indoor cycling?

Make sure your bike setup is ergonomic. Then, sit properly and maintain a good posture throughout your session. Engage your core and try to give your butt a rest intermittently during your workout. You may also use padded shorts or seat pads for maximum comfort.

2. What other exercises can I do to tone my glutes at home?

Squats, lunges, and step-ups are familiar moves that can tone your butt muscles and are doable with or without equipment. Ideally, perform a mix of glute exercises that target your butt from all angles. For best results, schedule 1 to 3 days of glute training weekly with enough time in between for muscle recovery.

3. Can indoor cycling tone my legs?

Indoor cycling is one of the best forms of cardio for sculpting the legs. It can burn calories and reduce fat around your leg muscles, giving it better shape and definition. Also, indoor cycling is ideal for leg sculpting as it is a high-repetition cardio exercise at reasonable resistance levels.